Monday, July 1, 2019

Let's blog: You Want To Shoot Wildlife Photography

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NEW BLOG  |  27th of June, 2019, by Jereish1
You Want To Shoot Wildlife Photography

With the hustle and bustle of our daily lives! As photographers we want that perfect picture in that very moment.  Often times we travel great distances and expect mother nature to be willing and ready from the moment... Read more...
POPULAR BLOG  |  28th of June, 2019, by Williamwise1
Vultures: Doing the Dirty Work without Complaint!

But as disgusting as it is, vultures always do their job without complaint. In my opinion, this makes them better people than us! For the vultures – eating rotten carcasses is what they live for! So next time you want to... Read more...
NEW BLOG  |  27th of June, 2019, by Artistashmita
Tip of the week: Reusing illustrator elements the right way

Illustrator is a great tool, however there is quite some effort in getting those detailed designs finished. For stock photos where quality and quantity are both important, one needs to take a modular approach. Yes, a lot of us reuse... Read more...
NEW BLOG  |  21st of June, 2019, by Eternalfour
Tip of the Week: New CX vs old DX

Why an older DX and not a current one? Simply because sensor technology is getting better, though 5 years back are not an issue, saying that, I still use my 2008 Nikon D90 ... but now, I'd prefer... Read more...
POPULAR BLOG  |  27th of June, 2019, by AguPkorPhotos
Perils of Snake Photography

Time stood still, a flickering tongue from a brown speckled snout shrouded by two dark bands that appeared like eyebrows on a triangular head, was the only sign of life between Jonathan and the snake.The snake`s... Read more...
Stock Photography Blogs
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